Sunday, 15 May 2016

A Whole New Outlook On Life


I do realise that I start every single post on this blog with 'I know I haven't written in a while' but seriously, I know I haven't and I am trying to work on it! 

As most of you know, things haven't really been going my way in terms of Slimming World as of late (and by as of late, I mean since like, Christmas) so I've had to re-evaluate everything in my life and seriously give myself a kick up the arse.

At the start of April, we booked to go to New York at the end of November. Which in itself is SUPER exciting and oh my god, I literally cannot wait to go. But as soon as we left the travel agent, the panic started. "What if I don't fit in the seat? What if the seatbelt won't go over me? What if I get asked to get off the plane?" You know, the usual things. (You all might remember the 'too fat for Alton Towers' panic I had in July last year..) At the time, I wasn't really doing Slimming World to the letter, I was having pretty low syn meals but the snacking and the going out for meals was just horrendous.

So in the space of just over 4 months I've managed to gain back just over a stone. Ughhhh.

The kick up the arse I so desperately needed was when I tried on the dress that I had bought for my niece's christening and it didn't fit. Like not even slightly. I mean we managed to get it on and everything but in the end I had to take it off because I literally could not breathe in it. I feel like that was the massive kick that I needed, because the last time a dress didn't fit me I did drastic (and very unhealthy) things to make it fit, something which I vowed never to do again.

So I've been on youtube religiously, trying to find something that I felt as though I would be able to stick to and something that I would enjoy. I've decided to just eat a little healthier... I know this sounds ridiculous but so far it's actually working. I've bought a Wii.. and lots of Just Dance games and I plan to rejoin the gym when it opens.

I've also discovered avocados... and holy hell they're tasty.

I hope you're all doing great on whatever plan you're following, and any advice you can give me, I'd be really appreciative! 


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