Sunday, 8 November 2015

Slow Cooked Goodness


It's been so crazy round here lately, I've barely had time to breathe let alone create wonderful Slimming World recipes! A little update for you, I've managed to bag myself a brand new job! It's my absolute dream job, and I couldn't believe that they offered me it! So I'm super excited to start, but with me getting the job so close to my birthday, I've had at least 5 days off plan. You only have a birthday once a year, right?

I've had my slow cooker for a long time, but it's only been recently that I've discovered what amazing things you can make in it! It's literally a life saver for me when I have to work late, and I know that there'll be a lovely meal all ready for me at home and I don't have to make something from scratch. Normally I leave out the ingredients for my other half so that he can sort it all out (last time I actually left out a pot of measured spices so that he didn't get too confused) and then when I come home I just whack some veggies on or pasta and boom, tasty meal in minutes.

So I thought I would share a few ideas with you, as to what I have made in the slow cooker and just how delicious they are!

Beef in a Creamy Tomato Sauce (from SlimmingEats)
Throw some beef and whatever veg you like, paprika, garlic, mixed herbs and chilli into the slow cooker, add 120ml of stock, a can of chopped tomatoes and some tomato puree into the slow cooker and cook for around 6 hours. When it's cooked, spoon out the meat and veg and add 60g of quark to the sauce and stir till smooth.

 Breakfast Lasagne (from the Slimming World website)
  • 300g tomatoes, chopped
  • 4 medium sized potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 6 rashers lean bacon, cooked and chopped
  • 200g quark
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 200g mushrooms
  • Herbs
Beat the eggs and Quark together. Spray inside of slow-cooker with low calorie cooking spray. Layer potatoes, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms in the slow-cooker in two or three layers. Pour over the egg mixture and sprinkle with herbs. Cook on 'low' for ten to twelve hours or until eggs are set and thoroughly cooked.

Crispy Potato topped Casserole
Use your meat of choice and cut it up into small chunks. Add as much veg as you choose into the slow cooker then cover with stock until around 3/4 full. Add herbs and a touch of tomato puree to thicken the stock. Cook on high for around 4 hours then low for a further 2. For the topping, slice 2 medium potatoes and place on a fry light sprayed oven tray. Spray the potatoes then cook at 180°c for around 20 minutes or until crisp.

Pulled Pork
This one couldn't be simpler, cut the fat off a joint of pork and place in the slow cooker. Cover with stock and cook for around 8-10 hours on high. Serve with whichever sauce you like - we like to put ours in tacos and hexb wraps!

There you go, have fun using your slow cookers!

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