Saturday, 23 May 2015

Me and Myself, We Got Issues..


I've come to realise that on this blog I hardly ever talk about just things that are going on in life, I tend to just stick to recipes. So today I thought, fuck it, here's a real life, straight from the horse's (or pig's, the way I'm feeling today...) mouth.

We've booked a trip to Alton Towers at the end of July, (when the kids are all on holiday and probably heading there too, big yipee for screaming children..) and I'm actually terrified. Not because of heights or fastness or roller coasters. Oh no. It's because of the chance that I won't fit on them,
Yes, that's right, my big ma-hoosive fear is that I'll be asked to do the bloody 'walk of shame' off the coaster followed by the words 'sorry, but we just can't get the bar down over your huge ginormous body'.

Cue tears and hiding in a bush for the rest of my life.

It's sad that I've actually done a shit-tonne of research in preparation for this trip, googling 'am I too fat for Alton Towers' so many times that my search bar knows that's what I'm going to search for now. I've had quite a lot of reassurance from people (big shout out to the lovely folk on MiniMins) who said that they are the same size as me and had no issues, so that's put my mind at ease.

Still tempted to attach myself to an IV until then, just to see the weight come off.

In total I've lost 3 stone 3lbs so far, and I'm hoping to make it to 4 stone before I go. I'm also planning the lightest, skin-tight outfit for when I do go, just to make it that little bit easier.

Please let me know if you share my fears or have any advice, we can talk about it whilst we hide in the bush together.


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