Saturday, 30 January 2016


I think it's time to get a few things off my chest.

I was reading a few weight loss blog recently, most notably (who is a massive inspiration!), who all seem to have the same issues that I do. I know that some of you out there are really struggling with weight loss, and I feel you sister, right now my head really isn't in the game and I can't see it being in the game for a while.. there are just so many events and things that have nice food there to just say no.

In the beginning I was literally obsessed with Slimming World. Like, to the point where I didn't go out for meals (unless it was a Subway salad) and literally had about 10 syns in the whole week. I did really well in the start, averaging about a 2lbs a week loss and I felt really good about myself.

But lately.. mehh. I think Christmas has really put me off track and the slowing-downness of my weight loss has really triggered a sense of.. why-am-bothering-ness. It's taken me almost 4 months to lose a stone and a half, when I did that within the first month of going to Slimming World the first time. I don't get it, and it's really getting me down.

Now, I know you might think I'm being stupid, as in the past year I have managed to shed an incredible 6 stone. Which is fine, and sounds good on paper, but when I'm still buying the same size clothes or maybe one dress size down, it sucks. According to the district manager who was at group the other night, you're supposed to go down a dress size every 10lbs or so. HA. Bitch, I should be a size 6 by now! And in society's eyes I am still a fat woman, which is reiterated at least once a week by a chav yelling 'HEY FAT CUNT' out of his window as he drives by.

Super confidence building.

Someone please, please help me. I don't know what else to do, I can't get my head in the game because it feels like a losing battle.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Breakfast Ideas


I'm not really much of a breakfast person, but since I started Slimming World having breakfast has literally saved me from eating crisps as a morning snack. I try to have something filling so I don't snack until lunch time, so having my healthy B in the morning is normally a good way to go, since the fibre fills you up and prolongs the hunger. So here are my breakfast ideas:

Hope this gives you some breakfast inspiration! 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Junk Food Confessions


As the new year has just befallen us, I feel like now is the time to get back into shape and start with Slimming World anew and try hard to make sure that I can reach my target.


When I decide to go off plan, I go off plan like a kid in a sweet shop (sometimes quite literally). I ate the most ridiculous amount of food over Christmas and New Year, so I decided - taking some advice from one of my favourite YouTubers, Jenna Marbles - to write down everything that my 'inner fat kid' made me eat so that I would see how bad it actually was in order to help me change my ways. So let's do this together in the hopes that it will urge us to put the bag of crisps down and go for an apple instead,

So, the week before Christmas:
- I went off plan way early and started really small, by not measuring the amount of cheese that I put on my spag bol. Not so bad, right?
- Ah fuck it, how did these Quality Street get here? Oh no, 10 seemed to have fallen in my mouth...

Christmas Eve:
- "Mum's bought us a massive box of shortbread for Christmas!" Ahhh, fuck.
- We decided to have a massive "party tea" on Christmas Eve with sausage rolls, a chicken platter, battered prawns, doritos, dip, breadsticks, mini pizzas and a friggen cheese board. There was literally nothing but syns on the table.
- Oh no! 10 more Quality Street fell into my mouth!

Christmas Day
- Merry Christmas! Start the day with a massive sausage sandwich with hash browns on a massive white bun!
- "Here, have some Christmas cake with your cuppa." Dammit!
- Ooops, another Quality Street
- Lunchtime! Turkey with roast potatoes, roast stuffing, mini sausages wrapped in bacon, yorkshire puddings and a mountain of gravy... not a veggie in sight.
- Pudding? Who says no to pudding? Treacle sponge with whipped cream... I can feel the cake on my hips.
- Ahh crap, how did those Quality Street find me?

Boxing Day
- Leftover central! More white bread, more turkey, beef and stuffing. Don't forget the crisps!

Between Christmas and New Year was literally a haven of shortbread, the box was huge and I loved every second of it.

Not only did I eat loads, but I drank loads as well. I'm not a huge drinker but NYE was the time for me to show off my amazing drink-fuelled dance moves.

- Cocktails and more cocktails.. orange juice and malibu, taboo, vodka, you name it, it was in it.
- Vodka redbulls, because why the fuck not?
- Disaronno and orange juice.. apparently I just drink anything when I'm already drunk.

So... there we have it, my junk food confessions. Now I see it I hope that I can feel repulsed enough to start doing Slimming World properly. 

Let me know your junk food confessions!
