Sunday, 27 September 2015

Shocking Revelations


I seem to start every blog by apologising for the lack of posts, but I have actually been super busy with work and other things - trying to sort out moving house makes me want to eat cake! However, I did have the chance to try out a few new things recipe wise, as I felt as though I was getting into a rut where I was eating the same things over and over and not really enjoying anything that I was eating because it was all so samey.

Saying that, I'm open to suggestions, so please comment below if you've tried anything exciting this week, I'm running out of ideas of things to do with pasta and rice, so please let me know if you've had something tasty!

This week was a tad up and down. Normally, my slimming world consultant is just lovely, supportive and enthusiastic about slimming world, but this week things have just turned on their head. Basically, I was perusing Instagram one day and came across a post about new hifi bars. Just to stress, this person was NOT a consultant, nor had she mentioned anything about when the bars were out. Being a supportive person as I am, I screenshotted the pictures and posted it to my local group's Facebook page, thinking that everyone would be as excited as I was, because the flavour sounded really good. About an hour later, I got a message from my consultant asking "where on earth I had found this" and "the consultant that is feeding me this info should be fired" because i am "always in the know and it makes her look stupid". 

The message really upset me, and at that point I was ready to not go back to that group, find another one and tell her to eff off. It wasn't until the next day that she messaged me saying that she'd just had an awful group that night and my post "tipped her over the edge".

Am I in the wrong here? No one ever said that these hifi bars were a secret, and since they were shared on Instagram, surely most people know about them by now? I feel degraded and like this whole Slimming World thing isn't about support anymore.

Still, the support from this blog is just amazing and I couldn't do it without you guys <3


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Half Syn Three Course Meal


I've decided that I'm actually going to take the time to write more of these blog posts, since I recently hit 3000 views (which I could not be more grateful for!). I have a lot of blog post ideas for recipes and snacks to help inspire and motivate people just like me, who are losing weight the slimming world way.
It was nice over the summer to actually spend some time with my partner, we work opposite shifts so as I'm coming home from work he tends to be heading off.. it's a bit of an annoyance! So when he managed to squeeze a day off in the summer he decided to treat me to a slap up slimming world three course meal - which he only ended up cooking the main course! It was so tasty, and only ended up being half a syn for the whole thing, which was amazing! So here are the recipes for everything we made, the syn values, and some pictures to get your mouths watering.

Starter - Stuffed Cheesy Garlic Mushrooms

You will need:
2 Portobello Mushrooms
1/2 tub Quark
Garlic Powder
40g Mozzarella

This one is so simple, just mix the garlic powder and the quark until it's a smooth paste, fill the mushrooms with it and add the cheese on top. Put them in a preheated 180° C oven for 10 minutes until the cheese on top has gone a lovely brown colour. 

Main Course - Steak and chips

You will need:
2 pieces of rump steak (all fat removed)
2 large potatoes
Any veg/salad to accompany 

First, preheat the oven to 200° C. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into chip shapes, spray an oven tray with fry light, place the potatoes on then spray again with the fry light. These take around 20-30 minutes to cook. In the mean time, heat a griddle pan to a medium/high heat and spray with fry light. Cook the steak however you like it, I personally prefer it medium/rare. Serve the steak with any veggies or salad that you like.

Pudding - Jelly and Cream

This one is definitely the easiest, take the remaining quark and add sweetener until it's at your preference, it tastes so good! Then serve it with a Hartley's 10cal jelly of any flavour, which is only 1/2 syn! 

I haven't had such a good meal in a long time, and I only had to make a little part of it. Maybe he should cook for me more often ;)
